
Success In the Second Mile

Have you ever wanted to succeed at a high level?  To set yourself apart from others and achieve things most people don’t?  Would you like to be the one at your office that everyone else thinks of as the go-to person?  The path to becoming a high achiever is quite simple.  Easy never, but very simple. The Way to Live In Matthew 5, Jesus is teaching the crowd how to live.  He cites a law…

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ThriveEternally ThriveWealthy

How We Program Ourselves

On your way into work tomorrow, what thoughts will run through your mind?  If you’re like most of us, your natural inclination will be something like, “here comes another day at the grind!  I hope I don’t see Jim today, he’s such a loudmouth!  I can’t wait till the weekend’s here!”  But do these thoughts help you? Or are they helping to create the very kind of day you dread? Want Control?  Take It! Setting…

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Spend It All

We’re new and improved!  The latest version of ThriveWealthy is now available, and you can start using it today, for FREE, to create more options and less stress for yourself! What can this tool do for you? Good Advice Here’s a statement you might not expect from a financial expert:   you should spend all your money!  In fact, you should spend the entire month’s income, even before the month begins.  You should spend it…

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Choosing Your Smile

Who likes smiling? Buddy the elf, of course, but is he the only one? How about you? Do you enjoy smiling and laughing? What I’ve recently realized is that in the past, I had waited for something external to me to cause me to laugh or smile.  And in doing this, I gave up the power to control my state of mind, not to mention the state of mind of those around me. Are you…

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Success in Reaching Your Goals

Can you believe 2014 is here already?!  I hope you had a great year, and I further hope that you’re looking to make the coming year even better!  One good thing that many people do is to use the new year as a time to set goals to improve themselves—this IS a good thing, IF we take these resolutions seriously and succeed.  Unfortunately, in many cases, our lofty goals are left unfinished and our resolutions…

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Insisting on Balance

Guess what’s coming soon?  Christmas!!  Even though it’s the same date every year, it sure can sneak up on us!  Christmas is a wonderful time, full of joy and celebration.  We give gifts to each other in honor of God’s gift to mankind:  the baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem, that we might be reconciled to God.  It’s good to get carried away in the spirit of the season, but one area we must work hard…

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Actions and attitude

Have you ever pursued success in an area of your life and found the journey to be more challenging than you expected?  Maybe you’ve been on a new diet and fitness regimen for a week and a half, but instead of weighing less and looking better, you look the same and feel hungry.  Or maybe you’re on month two of living on a budget and even though you’re following the plan, you’re still stressed out,…

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Keep Your Goal Before Your Eyes

Imagine your ideal life—how would it be different than what your life is like today?  Spend a few quiet minutes thinking on this, and you’ll find the key areas where you’re ready to set a goal.  Make your goal bigger that what you think you can do, in order to stretch you and challenge you.  This exercise can be inspiring, motivating, and exciting, but soon comes the hard part of getting it done! Can You…

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Are You Safe?

You probably have a job.  Jobs are good, at least many of them are.  If you have a job, you get paid to come to the office or job site, spend your hours working on tasks, and at 5:00 you get to go home.  If you’re really blessed, you get to work with people you like and do tasks that are interesting and challenging.  Your job is a blessing, even if it doesn’t feel like…

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The Well-Kept Secret

Those who are financially free are those who know, and have applied, something that the rest of us don’t.  In fact, not only wealthy people, but every person who has success in any area of life has learned and applied a secret principle.  Although these people are not shy about sharing their secret formula with others, the principle remains elusive for most people.  And of those who know this principle which guarantees success, a great…

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