ThriveEternally ThriveFit

To Find a Mate

This post is third in a series of six articles on how fitness benefits many other areas of your life.  So far, we’ve explored the dividends that a challenging fitness regimen will pay in your productivity and your disposition. In the previous post, we noted that the improved disposition that comes with a challenging fitness regimen can have a dramatic influence on your relationship with your spouse.  If you’re single though, you might have felt…

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The Problem of Evil

If you visited our site in the last week, you may have noticed a rather peculiar message on our homepage.  An image of a skull and crossbones was displayed with a message of: “you’ve been hacked!” Though I’m not certain, I believe the intruder gained access to the site because my password was too simple.  Hackers today can use programs to guess many common passwords automatically, so if you have a simple password for your…

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