2018 in Review

Our family is thankful and so blessed that God continues to graciously give us joy and health through the years. All our kiddos are growing up so fast, here is our 2018 year in review!


Nathan reading to little Benjamin, he jumped right into the mix and has been the happiest baby ever!

Lydia, our firecracker gymnist loves jumping, dancing, and playing with her siblings, friends, and cousins.

Chris and Lydia had a blast at the Winter Formal daddy daughter dance.

Hannah loves dance parties, the kids all sharpen their moves on the Nintendo Wii Just Dance game.

We usually eat like kings around the Fees dinner table – Michelle has become a fantastic cook. A recent addition to her repertoire: chicken fried venison over waffles, covered in maple syrup!!

Hannah reminds us so much of her Great Grandma Millie: our little Queenie!

The kids all entered a spring homeschool track and field competition. The races were so close they had the parents on their feet shouting and cheering.


We had a blast camping with our friends the Olsons, hiking, grilling marshmellows, and swimming in the lake.

Michelle and Chris enjoying a date at Michelle’s new favorite date spot, KC Wine Company.

Michelle dusted off her adding machine this summer and returned to work part-time at her former company, Phoenix Family. She continues to work a few hours a week from home and is excited to pursue some additional opportunities in 2019.


Happy 4th of July!!

Chris took out part of the swingset with his cutting down of our great maple tree out back. So when he built it back, of course he added an American Ninja Warrior course with a zipline. Coming in 2019: torpedo slide!!

Our kids love projects, and they’re getting pretty handy. Caleb has taken the title of best home repair helper!

Our entry got a new coat of paint lots lots lots of taping!

Michelle is the dancing queen: moms can floss too!

We love going to festivals across the city, learning new things about history and culture and having fun at the same time.

The kids helped out immensely with the garden this year, it’s fun to learn together.

Lydia had a taste of one of her big dreams: horeseback riding! She and Nathan did fantastic on their hour-long ride through the woods in Nebraska.

The Fees extended family all got together for a weekend at Two Rivers State Park near Omaha. We ate steaks and grilled corn, even had a fancy dinner out one evening.

Chris and Brian were responsible for foraging for firewood. Yes we had plenty!

Nathan and Caleb enjoying their first Chiefs game!

Chris and Hannah had a grand time at the Irish fest with uncle Sean, aunt Lisa, and cousin Claire.

Michelle continues to homeschool the kids. (Chris teaches extracurriculars like wood shop and martial arts!) The three big kids attend a weekly community day through the Classical Conversations program which they love! Michelle leads Hannah’s class.

Hannah proudly completed her reading lesson book this fall and is really getting into books. Nathan’s favorite subject is math; he requested a book of logic puzzles for Christmas. Lydia is a very talented artist, and she also reads non-stop. She’s having a lot of fun with her American Girl book club at the library.


Chris thought it would be a good idea to buy 1,200 square feet of wood laminate flooring at Costco one evening. It may have turned into a bigger project than he bargained for…. but Michelle loves the new look!

Chris had vision correction surgery from Durrie Vision center this summer, no more contacts or glasses!! He absolutely loves it!

We love our local Shawnee events, particularly Octoberfest with brats, accordions, and dancing!

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We had a great Halloween collecting candy at Sheels.

Rewarding the kids with milkshakes for a full day of cleaning and chores.

Benjamin and Caleb playing sports together already!

The perfect Fees Family Christmas tree.

Evie loves playing with the other dogs at Shawnee Mission Dog Park.  She’s a little sad winter’s here and she’s confined to the house. Since she easily jumps our 4′ chain link fence, she has to be tethered up when she’s outside…

Our great friends from school come over to spend the evening, everyone has a blast and the noise level gets pretty high!

Benjamin is keeping up with the other kids, polishing his dance moves!

May God bless each of you during this season of celebration of the Advent of our Savior. Remember the grace God has given us in sending the Messiah to bear our sin and bring us into His eternal presence. Let us all share the joy and love with others during this season and all year round. Merry Christmas!