ThriveEternally ThriveFit

Could Four Minutes Really Matter?

Have you ever had a day get off to a rough start, and you felt behind all day?  Maybe your coworker rushed into your office before you’d had a chance to check your email, upset and needing your immediate assistance.  Your plans for the day get all thrown off, and you may feel like control of your time and activity perpetually eludes you.  Anything here sounding familiar?  How did you respond?  Are there things you…

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Success in Reaching Your Goals

Can you believe 2014 is here already?!  I hope you had a great year, and I further hope that you’re looking to make the coming year even better!  One good thing that many people do is to use the new year as a time to set goals to improve themselves—this IS a good thing, IF we take these resolutions seriously and succeed.  Unfortunately, in many cases, our lofty goals are left unfinished and our resolutions…

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Actions and attitude

Have you ever pursued success in an area of your life and found the journey to be more challenging than you expected?  Maybe you’ve been on a new diet and fitness regimen for a week and a half, but instead of weighing less and looking better, you look the same and feel hungry.  Or maybe you’re on month two of living on a budget and even though you’re following the plan, you’re still stressed out,…

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Content Updates

New Habits for a New Life

Is there any area of your life that your wish was better?  Perhaps it’s a relationship that you would like to be strong and positive, but today is less than great.  Or maybe you are carrying a few more pounds of belly fat than you’d like.  Maybe your financial situation is a struggle, and you dream of days where you can go shopping for shoes and clothes without feeling guilty.  Whatever the area that you’d…

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Fit as a Child

Have you seen Workout #8 on the ThriveFit page?  It’s hosted by two of the most adorable fitness experts I’ve ever seen, so it may be worth checking out for that reason alone.  But just in case you need more inducement, try this on:  can you complete the workout in a shorter time than a 1-year old and a 3-year old can??

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ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Keep Your Goal Before Your Eyes

Imagine your ideal life—how would it be different than what your life is like today?  Spend a few quiet minutes thinking on this, and you’ll find the key areas where you’re ready to set a goal.  Make your goal bigger that what you think you can do, in order to stretch you and challenge you.  This exercise can be inspiring, motivating, and exciting, but soon comes the hard part of getting it done! Can You…

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The Right Fuel

If you want to feel good, live healthy, and have lots of energy, what should you do?  It won’t surprise you to hear that one of the most important keys to getting this result is your nutrition.  If you put good things in, you’ll get good results.  But the hard part is, what are the right things, and how can you know which plan or philosophy to follow? Expert, really? It seems that about one…

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Reaching New Heights Together

Imagine being healthier and fitter than you’ve ever been in your life.  How great would it feel to look the way you want and have a habit of taking good care of your body?  Well today, we’re launching a tool that will help you do just that. We’ve just added a resource to the recently redesigned ThriveFit page that will help you get plugged into this great community.  By connecting with each other, we can…

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ThriveEternally ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

Is Success Once Success?

One day, a little boy decided he wanted to learn to ride a bike.  He found his dad and asked him all about how bicycles worked.  His dad told him all about the history of bicycles, the parts that make up a bicycle, and the technique required to ride one. Victory!  Or Is It? The boy and his dad began working diligently on learning to ride the bike.  As the boy practiced, he gradually improved,…

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ThriveEternally ThriveFit ThriveWealthy

To Whom Do You Go?

Can you think of a time when you faced a tough decision and were unsure of the proper course?  When posed with two different options and can only choose one, how do you sort out the best way to go?  I believe that the first step is to recognize the value in seeking council. This is natural, isn’t it?  To tell people around what’s going on in your life in order to hear their perspective? …

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