
How’s Your Foundation?

Here at TotalThriver, we provide tools and resources to help you thrive in many aspects of your life.  We’ve discussed how it’s very important to take care of your body through a challenging fitness regimen, and how this practice will bring positive effects to other aspects of your life as well.  We’ve also explored various topics on managing your finances, in order to be a good steward of your resources.  We’ve even provided ThriveWealthy, a…

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Keys to an Effective Fitness Regimen

We’ve spent a good deal of time lately discussing the many benefits of a good fitness regimen.  Maybe some of these ideas have made you interested in fitness, and you’re ready to dive in.  But before you embark on a new regimen, it’s important to have a good gameplan as well as some strong support.  Without these, your fitness habit will struggle to pass the 3-week mark, and you’ll have lost the strong motivation which…

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But I’m special….

Ask five of your friends if it’s important to have money saved for an emergency, and you’ll likely get five affermative answers.  Now ask the same five friends if they have such an account, and you’ll probably get some resounding no’s. Yeah, what do they know?! We’ve all heard from financial experts over and over again how important it is to have an emergency fund.  “Three to six months expenses in a savings account or a…

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