
Why Go?

What do you do with good news?  When you hear that a friend’s baby was born, do you keep it quiet?  When you try a new restaurant and find the food to be amazing, do you hide the place from others?  Of course not!  We love to share good news with our friends, and it’s very satisfying to see another person take advantage of a great opportunity we’ve found and enlightened them about.  But what about the greatest news of all?  Are we good sharers of this news?

The news I’m referring to is the gospel of Christ—the truth that Jesus came down from heaven to become man, live a perfect life, and die on the cross as payment for the sin that His people had committed.  The news that by turning from our sin and putting our faith in him, we can be washed clean and given a new life, to serve out Lord and work for His purposes.  And that a relationship with Christ will make our joy complete and allow us to spend eternity in the blissful worship of our Savior and Creator.

Surely there can be no better news than this!  And yet, so often we are quiet about these truths to the people who need to hear it most—our friends and neighbors.  Steven Curtis Chapman paints the craziness of this in the following metaphor:

Imagine this…I get a phone call from Regis
He says, “Do you want to be a millionaire?”
They put me on the show and I win with two lifelines to spare
Now picture this…I act like nothing ever happened
And bury all the money in a coffee can
Well, I’ve been given more than Regis ever gave away
I was a dead man who was called to come out of my grave


We wouldn’t hide the fact that we received a huge treasure if it came in dollar bills, so in the same way, we should naturally tell others about the huge treasure we received from Jesus in redemption.  Not only has our debt of sin been paid, but we have received riches beyond imagination both in this life and in the life to come through the blessing of God Almighty.

It is for the purpose of sharing this great gospel that I will embark on a trip with my local church this summer to Indiahoma, Oklahoma.  Calvary Baptist Church in Lenexa, Kansas will be sending a team to Indiahoma to help a local church host a Vacation Bible School for the kids of the town.  We will also be reaching out to the community by hosting a neighborhood barbeque and conducting a worship service.  We will be seeking opportunities to tell everyone we meet about the love of Jesus Christ and his gospel.

If you would like to be a part of this outreach, we would appreciate your fervent prayers.  Pray that God would show us His will, that we would be filled with His Spirit, and that He would prepare the hearts of those whom we will meet.

Secondly, if you would take a few moments to check out the ThriveMart store by clicking the “Store” link on the top right of this page, you’ll find a plethora of exceptional products designed to make your life easier and simpler.  All profit made on purchases in the month of June will go directly to the Indiahoma Mission Trip fund, so you can buy products you need and support local missions at the same time!

If you have any questions about any of the products or the 180-day satisfaction guarantee, please don’t hesitate to send a message.  Thanks for your support and may the gospel be ever on your lips!

1 thought on “Why Go?”

  1. So many people express frustration at dealing with life. Yet, when it comes to humbling themselves and accepting what Jesus has to offer, they stumble! Jesus promised us abundant life – it’s there for the asking.

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